All posts by carina

April 2019: Inkscape and Jinja2

We happily invite you to our next feminist python meetup for non-binary folks and women at the  9th of April at Code Factory 1050 starting at 17:30

This time we will make our own name/pronoun tags with inkscape and jinja2. On the way we learn some inkscape basics, which is an awesome vector graphics software, and jinja which is a python templating engine. Some of you might remember jinja from our flask workshop. The workshop will be lead by Zoe and Saara.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Meetup Checklist

  • Find speaker/workshop for next meetup.
  • Create Doodle with three possible dates.
  • Wait for a week and harvest best date.
  • Inform mailing list about the date.
  • Write to Code Factory and ask for availability
  • After confirmed venue and speaker, send out official invitation.
  • Send out reminder the day before.
  • Enjoy meetup! yay!