Category Archives: Notes

Notes from our meetups, descriptions, links to talk slides and repos, etc.

[0xB] June 2019

We met on Thursday, the 13th of June at the Code Factory.

Elen started her presentation by briefly telling us about MicroPython and the ESP8266 – a very cheap microcontroller that is often used in Internet of Things devices. Then it was time to connect to our boards and write some Python code to get the led light to blink! After that Zoé explained some basic principles of electronics.

The slides and some useful scripts are available here.

If you feel like experimenting (= automating all the things) with the ESP8266 microcontroller, there will be some at July’s meetup that you can buy for 2 euros!

the led can be turned on and off at the press of a button (programmed in less than 15 lines of Python code!)

[0x09] April 2019

We met on Tuesday, the 9th of April at Code Factory.

We had two workshops this time: Zoé gave an amazing introduction to Inkscape and SVG. After that Saara showed how you can manipulate SVG XMLs dynamically with Python using both Jinja2 and BeautifulSoup. The example project was a script to generate personalized name tags for the Python meetup! The code and some example name tags are available on our newly created Github organization page!

[0x08] March 2019

We met on Tuesday, 12th March at the Code Factory.

For the first half hour we all slowly dropped in and had several chats in smaller groups. One notable discussion was about the current attempt of enforcing upload filters at the EU level and digital and analogue protests against it. If you also want to save our internet, take a look at, and

Then we had two talks:

In “Cryptographic hash functions and a PBKDF2 usage example” Jackie tried to briefly explain how (cryptographic) hash functions and key-derivation functions work, and what we have to keep in mind, when we want to use them securely. One practical example was the usage of the pbkdf2 python library by Darsey Litzenberger. The title of the talk links to the slides.

After that Zoé talked about “Home Automation with Python and Home Assistant” and gave some stunning example of what you can do to interact with your flat and how you can use the Python-based Home Assistant to increase fun and comfort. She also explained how to use a little bit of hardware to build a HODOR (Holds Open the DOor (foR you)) and never be bothered again by being to slow for early morning package delivery. The title of the talk links to the slides.

For the next meetup we are still looking for talks or other forms of input. If you want to present something, or if you know someone who you would like to present something, let us know.

[0x07] February 2019

Our first meetup of 2019 was held at Code Factory on the 14th of February.

Carina gave a great talk about information security that sparked a lot of discussion. We discussed what feminist hacking is/can be, the different career options in infosec as well as what skills are useful for a hacker. She also introduced the most common attack types and some ways of detecting attacks. We also talked about learning more about unix and web application security by playing war games on Overthewire. Check out her slides for more information and cool links!

[0x05] November 2018

The fifth meetup was organized at Code Factory on the 8th of November 2018.

Ivana kicked off the meetup by introducing us to Flask, a lightweight framework for creating websites and APIs. We learned the basics of Flask including routing, returning dynamic data from query parameters and how to style a website using HTML and CSS.

Saara gave a talk about webscraping using Requests and BeautifulSoup. The talk walked through the process of creating a webscraper by demoing a scraper she wrote to extract the menus of restaurants on Foodora.

[0x03] August 2018

We met on Wednesday, 8th August at the Planet 10.

We had a small python beginners workshop in the first hour. Then we continued with a talk on “Introduction to Pandas” in the second hour. Afterwards we socialized and discussed about organizational staff. There was plans to start a meetup page and prepare a basic website using flask. Also there should be a public channel and a closed organization channel for our meetups on the Python Austria Slack.

We also talked about trying out a new format for the first hour (welcome & learning space) next time. We want to have at least three people who act as mentors so we can form smaller groups who want to learn something. Nothing has to be prepared in advance, but that way we could have e.g. a group who works on setting up python and getting to know the interactive mode, executing scripts and using Jupyter notebooks, while another group already works on basic language concepts and still another group already goes into detail about a more advanced topic.

The data sets used in the “Introduction to Pandas” talk are from

[0x01] June 2018

This meetup took place from 17.00 to 20.00 on Friday 8th June 2018 @ Planet 10 in Pernerstorfergasse 12, 1100 Wien

This was our first meetup. Ivana Kellyerova gave a great talk about some often unknown but very useful (or funny) python modules: import batteries – The modules you never knew you needed.

Before the talk we had some space to get to know each other and talk about our backgrounds and relations with Python. The general structure of the meetup was:

  • 17:00 – 18:00 : arriving & getting to know each other
  • 18:00 – 19:00 : talk/input/presentation
  • 19:00 – 20:00 : ideas for the next meetups, chillout & socializing

So in the end we gathered some ideas for future meetups and also collected some helpful resources to get started with Python:

  • “Data school” channel on Youtube
  • Pyladies Tutorial
  • Django Girls Tutorial
  • SciKitLearn Website
  • Coursera
  • Codecademy
  • edx